The SAPRC mechanism generation system, or MechGen, derives explicit mechanisms for the gas-phase reactions of many types of emitted organic compounds and their oxidation products when they react in the atmosphere in the presence of oxides of nitrogen and other pollutants. It then uses the results to derive lumped mechanisms suitable for use in atmospheric models. A basic web users guide is available for those who have never used the system. More detailed information about MechGen is is given in the users manual that describes how to use all capapabiliites of the system. It also describes how users can install their own copy of the system, which is required to fully utilize its capabilites.
More information about MechGen, and the files needed to install it, is given at the MechGen web site.
A paper documenting the scientific basis of the chemical estimation methods and assignments has been submitted is under final review, but a preprint and reviewer comments are available online. A manuscript describing the system and its algorithms is in preparation, but the users manual gives a largely complete description of the system and its operations. In addition, information about the estimates and assignments can be obtained within the system, and is also output when reactions are generated in a step-by-step manner.
This system was used to derive the SAPRC-22 chemical mechanism, which is the latest version of the SAPRC mechanisms. However, its primary use for most users would be to derive fully explicit mechanisms that can be used for analyzing laboratory data or predicting atmospheric fates organic compounds when they react in the atmosphere.
How to access this system
Access to this system is free, but you need to provide a username and password to access it. The username must be between 4 and 16 characters long and contain only alphanumeric characters or ".", "-", or "_", and no spaces. No personal or contact information is requested, though I would appreciate it if you would email me at if you find the system useful in your work, and especially if you use it in any published work. The user name is used to direct you to a "web reactor" that is created when you create your account and you can configure for your own use, and where you can return to your work from a previous system. The password is required distinguish you from other users who may chose the user name, and does not need to be particularly secure. If you forget your password you will not be able to log in with this username, and will have to create another account. Inactive accounts are periodically deleted, and accounts are also subject to deletion when the system is periodically updated. However, it is unlikely that you would lose much if your account has to be re-created, unless you have an extensive set of user assignments or large user mechanisms, which can be downloaded and re-entered if needed.
To create a page you can bookmark or save to give you a direct link to your web reactor, do a "reload" on the main menu, and bookmark or save the URL that is returned. This will allow you to bypass the login screen as long as your user has not been deleted. If it is no longer valid, you will just be redirected to the login screen.
How to use this system to generate reactions and mechanisms
To use this system once you've logged on, either use the form to create a new reactant by giving its structure, or look for a reactant of interest in the list of available model species. Click the "help on create" link for information on how to specify a reactant by its structure. After you create a structure or chose one from the list of model species and you find it in the list of "currently selected reactants", clicking on it will give you a page where you can chose which reactions to generate. Clicking on web-linked radical will automatically generate its reactions, and clicking on any web-linked product will generate the menu for its reactions. Each page has a "reload main menu" link that you can use to get to the main menu if needed.
Please notify me at if you encounter problems, errors, or unreasonable mechanism results at this site. If you get a traceback, please copy and send it to me, along with enough information so I can duplicate it. I will then attempt to correct the errors, or at least have the system give proper error messages if it cannot be corrected.